Bethel Leadership
Our leadership team works together to serve by using their gifts, energy, and resources &
by partnering with our deacons and church council to lead our church faithfully.

Lead Pastor Francis Bezzam
Pastor Francis was officially installed as Pastor on Sunday December 10th. He loves the Word of God and does not compromise as to the truth of the Gospel. We are very thankful for his leadership and passion to reach the lost for Christ.
Pastor Francis is married to his wife Sandra and has two grown children, Daniel and Shilo. Their dog is named Ace. They moved from Hillsboro, Oregon in order to answer the call to ministry here at Bethel.

Associate Pastor Abe McWethy
Abe McWethy has stepped up from being our Youth Pastor to our Associate Pastor. He is a dedicated man of God, a fine musician and songwriter, and delivers thought-provoking sermons to the congregation. He has a true passion for people to find Jesus Christ and develop a relationship with Him that deeply affects their lives.
He is married to Leslie (Orfao). Together, they have two children, David & Miriam.

Rebecca J. Woods
Becky has been serving as Secretary/Admin Assist. since 1995. She also enjoys serving on the Worship Team and plays flute & piano. She plays flute in the Mukilteo Community Orchestra and also participates in the quarterly Hymn Sing hosted by Bethany Christian Assembly Church of Everett. She also enjoys sewing and various other craft projects. She is active in several sewing groups including Days for Girls and Sew Many Blessings at Northlake Church in Bothell.

Dr. Mary Hoppa
Lighthouse Counseling Ministry
Mary comes to us as a well-tested specialist in children’s and family counseling. Over her 40 years of service, her clients have ranged from age 4 to the elderly. She has an extensive background in social services, geriatrics, children and family counseling. She served as a director of geriatrics for several years. She has a special affinity for young women and families who are in crisis.